Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

my life book

The book in its broadest sense includes all text and images written and illustrated for all sorts of sheets of papyrus, papyrus, parchment and paper in all its forms: the form of rolls, in the holes and tied or bound behind him with a leather face, cloth, cardboard and wood. (Encyclopedia of Indonesia (1980, pp. 538))
In accordance with the four books above definition, then the book is defined as a collection kertastercetak and bound by the number of pages containing information of at least 48 pages  as one source in the process of learning and membelajarkan.Pengertian textbooks in general: 1. The textbook is a scholarly paper, but made ​​not by hasilpenelitian, but the subject or subjects of a particular science sesuaikebutuhan in the learning field of study.

http://aguswuryanto.wordpress.com/2010/09/02/pembuatan-buku-teks-pelajaran/2. Textbooks are textbooks, and literature supporting the digunakanoleh Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, Secondary School, SekolahLanjutan Top Level, Special School, College or University, termasukSekolah Vocational Institute for Community Education in Special Education School track danPendidikan Elementary religious start up with universities yangmendukung school curriculum is concerned.

http://masalahpajak.blogspot.com/2009_10_01_archive.html 3. According to the Minister of National Avg. 11 In 2005, the textbook is used bukuacuan compulsory in schools that includes learning materials in rangkapeningkatan faith and devotion, character and personality, kemampuanpenguasaan science and technology, sensitivity and aesthetic abilities, potensifisik and health based on national education standards.

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